Video Production: What Drives You to Do It?

By Alvin Motilla

Yes, video production is fun.

But why do you want to make videos? What is your “itch” for doing it?

You know, when I tried to answer those same questions, I also felt a little stumped.

Me holding a camera stabilizer with a DSLR camera mounted on it. Picture of me by Richard Amores.

But here’s what I thought. And let’s see, if it rings true to you also

I’ve been inspired by movies, short films, documentaries, and other types of videos that I saw over the years.

And you and I know what it feels like, when we see a compelling film, or a great video...

  • It speaks to our hearts and minds.
  • It appeals to our souls and imaginations.

We’re fascinated. We’re touched.

And so, when I shoot and make my own videos—and by that I mean, videos about real people, real events, and real life—, I feel that I need to do the same:

Me shooting a bride who's holding wedding rings. Photo by Ting Cunanan.

To make…

  • Videos that, somehow, will communicate and connect with my “intended” viewers...

  • Videos that I’d be happy with, and that my “human” audience would love.

Supplementary 1-minute video: "Why do we make videos?"

Expression in Video Production

Over the years of making videos, I saw a common theme that really fascinates me. And it’s not the equipment, or gear I use, that interests me the most...

It is expression. Or…


expression or communication in creating videos, sort of like an auteur

I noticed that when I plan, shoot, assemble, or edit my own videos, there's something in me, I'd like to reflect in my work, and convey to my viewers. However, it’s not by words only.

It’s more by non-verbal expression—using visuals and sounds. Influenced by…

  • The way I see the world… and my attitude toward my subjects,

  • My approach to creation… and the thought processes I go through,

  • The way I treat my audience… and the way I’d like my presentation to flow for them,

  • My reasons for owning gear… and my desire to make the most of it,

  • The way I pull my raw materials together… and my effort to make the “final cut” engaging and meaningful.

These nuggets of information... I hope to share with you.

"Video is a powerful way to communicate. It can capture emotions, ideas, and stories and present them in ways that text or audio alone cannot."

Supplementary 1-minute video: "Why are videos important?"

But who am I that you should listen to me about these things, right?

The truth is… I am not a “guru”, a “master”, or a “teacher” of video production. And I will feel awkward if somebody calls me so.

I’m just your regular guy…

  • who believes that “Everyone has something good to share that may help others.” And
  • who happens to be fascinated with video creation, and learned—and continues to learn—things along the way, in my video production “journey”.

Practicality in Video Production

Like everyone else, I also love gear. I cannot make videos without it (obviously).

However, I need to remind myself that…

  • I only have limited resources (and time), and

  • I have to attend first to my family’s needs. Before I save and spend money on video making tools.
why it is important to think carefully first before buying video gear

So, if there’s something latest—and if it looks cool—but it won’t…

  • serve my purposes, and

  • fit my limited budget,

… I have to end my interest in that gear.

Hey, I cannot afford to have it all! ;-)

So, on Video Auteur, I also invite you to sensibly think about...

Choosing, Owning, and Using Video Production Equipment

Without spending a fortune.

Without putting yourself into deep debt, just to have the latest or coolest gizmos, that you may not need…

Well, except of course, if you’re buying them just to impress your friends. ;-)

But, as the old saying goes, (And I’ll put it this way within video production context)...

“Make videos to express. Not to impress.”

And that… my friend… is what drives me to do it.

So, how about you? Why do you want to make videos? What is your itch for doing it?

Supplementary 1-minute video: "Practicality in videography"

This is video production for beginners.

"Imagine a world where everyday people—who are into video making—make videos that their human audience find evocative, engaging, or worthwhile. Because those videos truly communicate and connect.

Imagine also that—even with limited resources, budget, and time—those same people can still make such videos."

an everyday person who is a video making beginner

Well, that's the vision that Video Auteur aims to contribute to.

You, too, can make videos that communicate and connect. Yes, you certainly need video production tools, and video editing software, to make a video. However, your focus on catering for people who'll watch your video, will let you feel that satisfaction that a video maker craves.

But a beginner needs to start somewhere—whether you're a video production student, or someone who studies how to make videos on your own. Perhaps, you see the need to make effective videos, or you want to make video creation a hobby.

And it's important to start right. How?

By recognizing and adopting this perspective, from the very beginning, that...

The human aspect of video production is more important than the tools for making videos.

That “human aspect” is the communication that happens between you and your audience. When the video you made is being viewed by your audience.

Essential video gear simply helps you convey your thoughts through video, and appeal to the hearts and minds of your viewers.

Supplementary 1-minute video: "How to make engaging videos?"

The human aspect of video production matters most.

If you have that perspective in you, you'll find that this website can better help you learn...

  • Meaningful video creation.
  • Video production basics. And
  • The guide to the video making process.

You can start exploring by looking into these topics...

Ever wondered what makes a director's work special? It's the auteur factor!

Are you a communicator at heart? This article dives into video production for beginners who prioritize human connection. It shows you different angles to understanding video creation, guiding you from idea to produced video.

You want to make videos that connect? Feeling unintimidated by script writing is one of the first steps.

Do you find it hard to concentrate on making videos because you feel like obsessing over gear? Curious about the essential equipment that you need?

Unlock the secrets of video production tools that extend your creativity. From "The Eyes" to "The Memory" of video production.