Being able to shoot videos feels great. But when editing videos becomes confusing, what do you do?
What do you do, when you find it hard to put the pieces together?
Tough thing, isn’t it? :-)
I remember
the different raw materials, I’ve been editing these years... long footage, assorted
video clips... a number of songs, background music, sound bites, interview
takes, photos, and even documents.
And I had
this notion that, “It’s much more exciting to shoot videos, than to edit them”. Because,
most of the time, I felt clueless
when “It’s video editing time!”
But I still
wanted to do it.
I wanted to feel, I can really make something I can be proud of—like a well-made video presentation that...
And now that
I can finish a project, I still feel
some level of uncertainty, when doing video post production. I guess even
seasoned editors feel the same way too.
So, whenever
you’re confused when editing videos, remember this fact: It is
only natural.
But there are things you can do to fulfill your work. Of course, one is, “Practice.” ;-) But there’s more! And, it has something to do with your perspective... or how you see your project.
First, I
have a fair warning to you. I’m not sure if you’re doing this (or already did).
... There are dangers in looking “right away” for editing software, or apps to use, when you want to learn the art of editing your videos:
What a pain!
there’s nothing wrong with looking for tools to use. It’s just that, throwing
yourself into the pool of so many editing apps and software, is not
the first thing to do, when you’re beginning to learn how to edit videos.
Before you
search the internet, or go to sales outlets to look for video production
software... and before you explore where to edit online... prepare yourself
Start from within “you”, by asking yourself these questions...
When you have your honest answers, it’s time for you to...
Now, it will
be easier to find an app or software that suits you. And you’ll feel better
when you start editing your videos.
don’t settle so fast for what’s popular. Yes, be aware of what others are
using. Those are options available to you. But don’t forget...
Your choice has to fit your personality and
your working needs.
And if ever you’ve selected a tool that’s not so popular, but you honestly feel it’s what you need?... So what! You’re the one who will edit your videos. It’s your work.
One of the
basics of editing videos is that... It is about you making decisions. You
It’s human
judgment! You’re making decisions reflecting, how you see your materials.
And this key point becomes even more important, when you’re making videos by yourself. Because, now, the engaging power of your presentation mainly depends on you... Your decisions.
There’s another possible reason, why you get
confused, when you’re editing videos together. It has something to do with your
perspective, or how you look at your project. Perhaps...
You are looking so closely at your
What do I mean?
One way or
another, you are looking too close, and too soon, at your raw materials... thinking
about how to deal with them right away.
If that is your case, then, you’re suffering from what I call, the “video
editor’s block”.
And so, you need to...
Try to look
at your materials from a different perspective...
When I am faced with so many raw materials to edit for a project, I’m starting to feel better, when I step back... and try look at them as a whole... to see how they would fit together.
I need to see the forest from afar.
And the moment I do that, is the moment, that I’m starting to see things clearly.
When you see
the big picture of your raw materials, it’s time to put those pieces together.
You combine
them to form a whole.
And, when you begin editing your videos, from a broad perspective... sooner or later, you’ll gain confidence to finish your work... because of that sense of direction, that the big picture gives you.
And here are some things involved, when you're combining your materials, to form a meaningful whole:
Like other
experiences in life, sometimes, we just need to see things from different
angles. Because, it will allow us to see what’s wrong, and how to proceed, to
finish our works.
Well, as you have seen, editing videos is just like that.
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Video Production Software: How To Look For “The One”